The Final Lantern Post

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My final lantern. I am...really glad this project is done. It was fun in the beginning, but with the stress of my other finals I am so glad to be done with this. I did manage to burn a couple of my fingers and there is paper all over my dorm room floor.

Lantern Progress

All right, now dropbox is deciding to work. The connecter I'm using is hot glue and I was messing around with it and I really liked the way the light came through in between the pieces of paper, like a crystalized sort of effect. I don't know why, but I really like it so I kept doing it for all of the pieces. I have to say I'm surprised I didn't burn any of my fingers because I nearly burned them and my toes when I almost dropped the hot glue gun.

Even though I said I wasn't really fond of this project, it's a better final than writing a paper, so there's that at least. I just wish there could have been more things for photo media because taking pictures of the projects don't really count and for illustrators too. I realize we had the drawing class, but that isn't required next semester, but BDS 102 is so I don't think there's really a fair balance between all of the majors. Just a thought that I've been thinking since like the beginning.

Starting the Lantern

Working more on completing the lantern. I am not really fond of this project because I don't like hands on, art and crafts sorts of things. They take too much patience that I don't like committing to something at once. It's a different sort of patience than drawing or painting and when you make a mistake it is normally more drastically affected in something like this.

I have more pictures but my dropbox isn't cooperating so I have to sort that out before I can upload anymore. At least the internet connection is working now.

Final Drawing for Design Assignment

Monday, December 16, 2013

For the photo media majors our final assignment in our drawing class was to draw from life. The weekend it was assigned practically everyone I knew was out of town so I started drawing hands. I like drawings hands too, I think they're interesting and I dunno, just in general they're fun to draw. When my roommate got back I started drawing her and now I have a four drawings of her like that from over the semester.

These are the previous three.

Maybe I should do a compilation of drawings over the course of our college years of her sitting like this.

Rough Draft for the Lantern

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My original design for my lantern was jellyfish-esque and I really liked the idea. But when it came down to it the way it would have to be wired for how I wanted it to be lit was not really possible without causing a huge headache so I changed my design.
I was originally my second idea had evolved into a sort of diamond design and then a sort of sun, but once I started putting the pieces together I liked having the sort of crown figure that could hang against a wall.

Paper Designs

Sunday, December 8, 2013

So these are some of the first paper designs for the lantern.
I spent like five hours this weekend trying to figure out the design for mine and I had my dad for help and we eventually came to the conclusion it was too much of a headache to do what I wanted to do originally so I'm going back to the drawing board for it.

Trying Out My Tablet

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I have had a Wacom table for a little over a year, but I haven't thought that I was really good at it. I like working with it though, it's fun. I am actually pretty happy with this drawing. I drew it from a picture I had taken of one of my friends after my roommate went on a sort of flower crown frenzy for a friend of ours wedding. I want to fix some things, but overall I like it a lot.

Final Photo Book

The final book for the photo book. I like the design, it's fun to put back together, like origami or something. I wanted to do it like this from the beginning because we made little booklets like this in the art program I was in in high school and they were fun. It was easier though then because we did a sort of octagonal cut out though.

Final "Propel" Shots

Monday, November 11, 2013

The collection of photos from the day we put our word out in the round-a-bout.
I was sure that we were going to cause a car accident, people kept slowing down to read what it said. I sat with it for about two hours and only one person actually asked what it was for.