Ren Fest Day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

I went to the Renaissance Festival again over the weekend.
What I find interesting is that it used to be a project of the Kansas City Art Institute. It isn't anymore, but I think that it still brings a lot of parts of the arts to the Festival days. A lot of the performers create their own costumes, starting with drawings and coming up with designs and then sewing the outfits themselves. Detail is put in to the colours and patterns that would have been available at the time and to the class of character. Aside from the costumes, many of the dances are also choreographed by cast members. And then there are the musicians and dancers themselves that perform an art themselves.
The atmosphere is amazing. The colours of their costumes are all bright and brilliant go together in awesome ways. The colours of the costumes help them to brightly stand out from the dust and trees of the Faire grounds.
I love taking pictures out at the Festival because there are always so many interesting things to capture. I would love to try and draw some of the things, but I believe I have better skill with a camera than a pencil and paper.
I am sorry for having so many photograph posts, especially of the Festival, but since we do not have any photography assignments in any of my classes I have not been taking as many pictures as I normally do and I miss it. This is my art, my favourite type of art I guess so I like posting these.
The vardo (wagon) in the Glen. It just got repainted actually, I am pretty sure that it used to be red.

Goyo, the drummer for Tricks of the Light.

Cyricx of Tricks of the Light. 

Sapphira, one of the Hearts Fire dancers. She also is one of the ones who has been teaching new cast members how to play the drums.

Drina, one of the Hearts Fire dancers. 

Cyricx and Zuri of Tricks of the Light.

Zuri of Tricks of the Light. This is one of my favourite pictures from the day even though it is slightly fuzzy.

Zuri of Tricks of the Light. This is one of my other favourite pictures from the day.

Cyricx and Zuri of Tricks of the Light breathing fire and Jason Divad who is doing a handstand with a fire stave in between his feet.

Fire is also a beautiful art form that is popular at Faire. Cyricx and Viollca of Tricks of the Light have been performing for a while out at Faire and are incredible performers. Most of the other performers who perform with fire were taught by one or both of them. It is a dangerous art (the burns I have seen some of them come away with) but very pretty and breath taking to watch and definitely one of the most impressive crafts at the Faire.


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