The color orange aside, constructing the book was fun, if not confusing. I'm kind of afraid to try and construct the final one on my own because I'm afraid I'll make a huge mistake that I won't be able to fix in time for Monday. I'm going to try and finish everything I can in class today so I don't have that problem. And if not, I can hope to get help from Margie via email or something. I have like 80% faith I can do this without messing up. Though I'm not as stressed about this book as I was about finishing the lantern from last semester.
Anyway. Here are pictures of my practice book!
I think it turned out pretty good! I accidentally glued the last page to the back cover of the book under the orange flaps and didn't realize until I was done, but that aside, I think that it looks good. One of my friends wants me to teach her how to make them, she thought it was a really awesome project. I think I'd like to make more if it didn't cost so much anyway.
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